Adjustoform SupaFit Male Mannequin for Tailoring / Trousers / Menswear

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Buy Adjustoform SupaFit Male Mannequin for Tailoring / Trousers / Menswear Today & Receive These For FREE!
* Strictly limited. Act fast to secure yours!
Who Else Wants A New
Mannequin for Menswear
Conveniently Delivered
Anywhere In Australia
At Budget Price?
"Here's How You Can Have
The BEST tailor-made wardrobe
Without paying an Expensive Tailor for it..."
Mannequin for Man Measurements
Chest: 94 - 114 cm (37'' - 45")
Waist: 82 - 101 cm (32" - 40")
Hips: 99 - 119 cm (39" - 47")
Back Length: 41 - 47 cm (16" - 18.5")
Congratulations on your decision to shop around for a new menswear model. Your sewing adventure is about to get even better!
Imagine if you could .......

If Only .......
You already have a sewing assistant - to make fitting and alteration easy.
Wouldn't it be good to have a body double - in your measurements - so that you can get the perfect fit - first time, everytime?!
If you're looking at this Tailor's Dummy, chances are...
- You're learning to sew, and you need one for fitting & tailoring.
- You sew for others, but struggled with fitting when they're not there in person.
- You're making something special for yourself, and fed up with trying on half-pinned garments all day long!
You're not alone. Work-in-progress fitting is fiddly (and full of pins) - but unavoidable. Because getting the right fit depends on it.
"Finally... and adjustable MALE mannequin...!
I'm studying Fashion Design at Uni and this year I'm going to specialise in Menswear and Tailoring.
This is exactly what I need... thank you."
- Jackie, a Happy Customer
What if getting your shirts & jackets to fit perfectly was easier than you think?
Often the hard part is to come up with exactly the right tool, for the right job, at the right price. Of course, there is no doubt that in order to create beautiful garments, you need to practice.....
But the first step is having the right equipment on hand.
The Secret of Perfect Fitting is with an
Adjustable Male Mannequin (that acts as your body double while you work).
Simply adjust the dials to your body measurements - then pad him up to reflect your shape because no two people are identical :-)

Here's a little bit of insider information...
Having worked for a decade or so behind the scene in the clothing industry, I was formally trained as a Fashion Designer - and later spent 10 years teaching others the joy of sewing. I like to share insider tricks, and I believe in doing things properly.
Now, let me share a little-known secret from behind the scene...
Store-bought clothes don't always fit properly, straight off the racks.
Neither are store-bought sewing patterns. Especially if you prefer things tailored to fit.

Of course, you can get everything made-to-measure. Though that would adds up real fast, and definitely cost you a lot of money....
Still - You Hate Shopping.

But since when are you merely average, anyway?!
How About having a go at making your own?
By working with YOUR own body double - you can be 100% Confident of a Perfect Fit - simply by starting with an Adjustable Mannquin that's been set up to replicate you!

A tailoring form will make garment making and alterations easier, more satisfying and more rewarding than you ever thought possible.
It's the only sure way of achieving a really professional look and a bespoke fit to garments, whether you're making clothes for yourself or someone else.
When the adjustable tailor's dummy has been adjusted to specific measurements it becomes a replica of you (or your friend, or family member... whomever the garments are for).
And that's why tricky tasks like pattern fitting, fabric pinning, tacking, setting in of sleeves and shaping the lapels, and many more tricks of the trade can be carried out on the mannequin, avoiding the irritation (not to mention the waste of time) of constantly trying the garment on, and taking it off, and back on again...
Hey, making your own clothes is supposed to be FUN, remember?
Simply Add to Cart Now.

Meet your very own Mannequin for Menswear....
He is simply known as "The Man".
("Nice to meet you..!" he says)
Sometimes known as male form, tailor's model, even tailor's dummy
(ok... we KNOW he's not dumb, even if he doesn't have a head)........
....... The Man might just be the menswear buddy you need!!

An ideal sewing companion, your male form is fully adjustable.

- pattern adjustments before cutting,
- better fittings and alterations, and
- an opportunity to learn fine tailoring - just like they do in a real atelier in Italy!!!
Why Not Get One and Experience it Yourself...!

"Tha Man" has some nifty tricks to help YOU...
Achieve perfect fitting first time, every time!
Check out....
- His twelve (12) dials make it easy to change the dimensions of the body, including settings at the neck for smooth collars and necklines.
- His 8 piece body allows for even distribution of measurements, for a realistic and flattering fit.
- The over all height also adjusts, so he can match your height.
- Valour / foam covered makes it possible to pin your fabric and pattern in an angle, so you can always check to make sure you get a perfect fit!
- Did you know that his torso can be lengthened when a longer back measurement is required...? Just another secret for advance dressmaking!
- His neck is also fully adjustable with an auto-set system and a BONUS useful pin cushion too!!!
- The Man has strength - made from a strong yet flexible plastic material, hollow on the inside for adjustablity, and covered in nylon foam-backed fabric.
- Standing tall and proud with a stable metal tripod stand with dual pole positions for trousers - he will be there for you whenever you need him...
- His full shoulders are life-like and essential for a better hang to sleeves - which beats trying on half-finished garments with pinned-on sleeves (ouch)....!!
Order Now to Try For Yourself...!

Yes, The Man comes from UK...
... just like Mr Bond 007 :-)
Unlike many other cheaper dress forms (mainly made in China), you will find these MUCH better made...
That's because the manufacturer, The Adjustoform (A. E. Arthur Group), is the largest and longest established worldwide manufacturer of adjustable mannequins for dressmaking.... talk about being a specialist!
At the factory in Ashford Kent, England, adjustable dress forms are manufactured using the care and skills of over 40 years experience to offer customers adjustable dressmaking models of the highest quality, in a wide choice of designs, to suit every need.
Remember - You do get what you pay for. Buy Well, Buy Once.
Do I Really Need a Tailor's Dummy...?

If you're interested in designing and making your own fabulous outfits for your man or yourself, a career in fashion / costume design, an income from bespoke tailoring or alterations, or simply need to whip up a batch of shirts for everyday (whether it is you own or for someone dear to you)..... you'll need a male form.
A tailor's model is invaluable in garment making....
- whether you sew for yourself or others
- whether you are a beginner or a professional dressmaker
- you will become quite attached to your new sewing assistant!
Why Not Give it a Go!

Think about what you can do with your own adjustable mannequin....
- Check the drape of fabric. Is your fabric suitable for the pattern you have selected?
- Style an outfit by draping co-ordinating fabrics together, to see how they would look for, say, a jacket and shirt.
Fit a tissue pattern straight from the pack, or one that you've drafted yourself
- Check the
placement of darts, pockets and buttonholes
.... do they look right where they are? Be sure... because once they are there, you can't really un-do
- Establish the
position of collars and lapels
. This alone will make a difference in whether your garment looks professional or amateurish.... and you
know which one you want to be!
- Check or plan the placement for machine embroidery designs.
Nothing worse than a badly placed motif or logo!
- Pin sleeves in position, based on your shoulder length. Tack in place, then machine stitch. Easy!
- Check the placement of shoulder pads. Old tailors do it for that tailor-made look. Now you can too.
- Mark hems for alteration. Never put up with wonky hems again!
- Check the ease and hang of a lining. You don't want to get caught with linings too tight or too loose!
- Pick out your completed outfit for work or play the night before, so getting ready to head out the door is totally stress-free (and you will never be late again because you won't have to decide what to wear last minute)...!
So the question is:
Can YOU Really Do Without a Male Form??
Why Not Scroll Up and
Grab Yours NOW....!

The Man is Adjustable.
His size range measures:
Mannequin for Man Measurements
Chest: 37'' - 45" or 94 cm - 114 cm
Waist: 32" - 40" or 82 cm - 101 cm
Hips: 39" - 47" or 99 cm - 119 cm
Back Length: 16" - 18 1/2" or 41 cm - 47 cm
Neck: 14 1/2 + or 37cm +
You will find a need for The Man if......

Because clothes from the shops NEVER fit you properly......

Without Feeling Like This.....

To Turn These.....

... with these...

.... into these....

... or these (if you were into steampunk).....

...or even these (if you were into theatre / fantasy / cosplay)

Now that you have your very own sewing mate....

..... You Too Can Be The Maestro that people trust!

..... with some help of The Man.

So, How Do I Make Adjustments on the Mannequin ?

Before you begin to adjust the dressmaker's model to specific measurements, expand the body by loosening all the adjusters evenly, in small increments at a time.
We suggest you make the adjustments, working from the hip level upwards.
This will release any tension on the body and will make subsequent adjustments smoother.
Just Add to Cart Now.

Get to know your tailor form
Your dress form will either have dials or wheels (See Figs 4 and 5).

Fig 5 shows the 'wheel' system. Adjustments are made by turning the wheels downwards to increase the size and upwards to reduce.
The neck design for your mannequin will have either a dial or a knob (See Fig 6 and 7).
In Fig 6 the neck is adjusted by pushing in the knob in the centre of the neck at the same time as turning it in a clockwise direction. A useful Pin Cushion is provided in the neck cap.
In Fig 7, slightly unscrew the Pin Cushion and turn the Top Cap in a clockwise direction until the size required registers with the marker at the front of the model. Re-tighten the Pin Cushion. If your dress model is a Junior size, adjust the neck slightly, loosen the top knob and move the sections equally to the size required. Re-tighten the knob firmly.
Add to Cart and He's All Yours.

As you adjust - always use a tape measure to ensure the measurements are accurate.

how about letting The Man be your personal wardrobe assistant...?
Have your wardrobe organised and presented in a way that makes YOU feel like a true celebrity.... with your very own dressing room!

Note: Image shown for demonstration, inspiration and suggested usage only.
Items in above photo NOT available for sale.
There you have it.... Now it's your turn to have a go!
Be Kind to Yourself when you're trying something new... and.....
Be Proud Of Your Achievements and Celebrate each and every small win!!

Order Yours Today and you can enjoy:

- Making garments with ease by having your own body-double wearing it!
- Adjustable to various sizes, so you can make shirts to fit the entire wedding party!
- Your very own "bespoke" experience simply by adjust the mannequin to have the correct measurement just like YOU
- Designed to fit shirts and jackets - your wardrobe is pretty much covered!
- Adjustable pole for the correct height, so you KNOW how the finished length looks on YOU
- 12 rotating dial / wheels at chest, waist and hips for a tailor fit - looking fabulous has never been so easy!
- Adjustments can be made in precise increments - to accurately reflect the REAL you
- Foam-backed nylon cover for easy pinning and marking - working on your masterpiece is a breeze!
- Adjustable neck with pin cushion, so you can be really creative with getting the collar to fit just right.
- Even the torso length is adjustable, because some of us have longer torsos, while some are "short-waisted". Finally.... clothes that fit properly!
Simply Add to Cart Now.

What else could you do with your Adjustable Mannequin?
- A handy coat / hat stand in your hall way: convenient for keeping your favourite jacket in shape, and a unique way to greet your guest!
- An unique opportunity to show off your very own creation: he makes an excellent super (adjustable) model!
- Best conversational piece and versatile prop... create instant ambience in your home or work space!
- Fun to dress for display.... pose him in unexpected places to show off your collection!
- Adds instant atmosphere for your interior, special occasion or retail space.
Why Not Order one Now!

Note: Image shown for demonstration, inspiration and suggested usage only.
Items in above photo NOT available for sale.
In a few short days your parcel will arrive.... and when you open it up you'll find your new Mannequin for Menswear safely tucked inside.
Simply follow the instruction for some basic assembly (you don't need any extra tools. Easy!) and he will be standing in front of you.
That means you'll instantly have a loyal sewing companion - for whatever creative idea you have in mind!
Sounds Good?
Simply Order one
So You Can Get The Perfect Fit For Your Next Outfit!

Simply Add To Cart & Get Yours Now!

But remember... this Adjustable Male Form is NOT suitable for someone who:
- Wants a solid, NON-ADJUSTABLE industrial grade mannequin.
- Isn't interested to leanr how to make your own clothes
- Doesn't have issue with finding clothes that fit.
- Simply prefers to go shopping for clothes instead of making your own.

This Tailor's Mannequin is ideal for:
- Beginners who want to learn how to master tailoring and alteration,
- Partners who are planning to make shirts and jackets for their men,
- Experienced sewing experts wishing to have a handy, multi-sized male form handy,
- Teaching facilities,
- Costumer / tailoring professionals,
- Interior Designers / Stylists,
- Textiles artists,
- Boutique owners,
- Visual merchandisers,
- and other creative individuals.....
If any of these sounds like you.... we're ready to take your order for your very own Adjustable Mannequin for Menswear, delivered anywhere in Australia!
Grab one while stock lasts!

Grab yours now and you can experience:
- Garments that Fit & Flatter - Done Quickly & Easily.
Save Time
and Handle your own alteration - properly!
- Do it Right in the first place - so you can Avoid Wasted Time & Effort :-)
- A sense of achievement , because you've made something from start to finish.
No more frustration - just you and your fabulous wardrobe!
- Be proud and tell everyone:
"I made this!"
Be Sure To Get Yours Now While Stocks Last!

Simply Click The Add To Cart Button To Get Yours Now!

Does this product come with Warranty?

The Manufacturer's Warranty is 1 Year (12 months), covering faults and defects due to manufacturing.
It's a Return-to-Base Warranty. All warranty claims will be assessed by the Official Australian Distributor.
Please take a close look as soon as you received the product, because the Manufacturer's Warranty does not cover any accidental breakages, misuse, or wear-and-tear.
Should you have any questions or concern, we're happy to give you a hand in providing guidance and go through some troubleshooting with you.
Because our products have been through QA at the factory, you most likely won't need to raise a warranty claim at all - shop with confidence!
Simply contact us if you have any issues, and we will give you more details. Easy!
Go Ahead And Grab Yourself a Fantastic Deal NOW
And Enjoy Your Next Sewing Adventure!
Still Not Sure? That's Okay.
We understand. Because sometimes it's hard to know if you really want something, right?
Especially when shopping online!
That's why we provide 60 Day Money Back Easy Returns* to support you.
Because we know sewing - but You Know Best :-)
~ 60 Day ~
100% Money Back Guarantee...
Your purchase from us comes with our 60-Day Easy Returns option!*
In the unlikely event if it doesn't work for you in any way, simply contact us. You have sixty (60) days to try things out.
There's no rush. Take your time.
Beacuse we want you to have plenty of time to feel absolutely certain that you're enjoying what you've chosen!

We will send you a full refund (excluding postage) promptly and courteously - No Worries!
Simply Add to Cart Now.
* Looking for the fine print? Check our terms & conditions for details*

Just so we can get your item to you ASAP, we ask that you complete payment within 5 working days from committing to buy.
Please let us know by email if you would like to make other arrangements, such as waiting to purchasing other items for combined postage or waiting for pay day.

NOTE: Please use your name with a post code as Bank Reference when making payment. If you have an order reference starting with "N", you can use that one.

IMPORTANT: Because your order is processed promptly once funds are cleared, there won’t be time to make changes to shipping details, So When You Complete Checkout please help us by double checking we have the following:
- Correct Physical Address. Most of the time PO Box is fine, though we may ask you for a physical address if we end up using a courier instead of Aust Post.
- Phone Number for the delivery driver.
- Any Special Delivery Instructions.
Now, Let's Get Your Order On Its Way To You!

How long will it take to receive my order?
All fully paid orders placed by 5pm Monday to Thursday will be processed overnight and ready to send by our warehouse - normally the next day or following business day.
Orders placed on Friday and Weekends will be processed on Sunday night - because our warehouse operates Monday to Friday except Public Holidays.
Once it leaves our warehouse, the actual time frame is up to the delivery services. This can vary depending on your location and road conditions.
Any delivery time estimates shown are estimates only - so please use it as a guide line.
You'll receive a few email updates from our system as your order progresses, so please stay tuned on these!

We use a dispatch system that works out the most efficient way to send your order.
This way the postage works out fair and reasonable, and your parcel reaches you quickly as well - because we know you can't wait!
In general, larger items tend to be delivered by couriers, while small items tend to go by Aust Post.

Great question.
Depending on weight and dimension, some times we are able to do Flat Rate across Australia, so the postage is the same no matter where you are.
Other times we use the Built-in Calculated system provided by Aust Post, and your postage is calculated based on YOUR location.

Depends on the item (and its dimensions), because Aust Post have size restrictions and couriers are NOT allowed to deliver to a P.O. Box.
Please check with us when in doubt.
If you have nominated a P.O. box, and the item is within Aust Post size, then it will go by Aust Post. Most of the time, this is the case.
When your item is too big, or being sent directly from our supplier, then we need you to provide a physical address so we can send a courier.

Can I get my order sent to a different delivery address?
Your sure can!
When you check out, you can choose to ship your order to your billing address or a different address.
Simply choose the second option, and then fill in the shipping address of where you want you parcel sent.
Please double check we have Your Correct Address so your order can find its way to you!

Some locations are outside of courier services....
In these cases we CAN arrange for your order to be deliverd to your local post office.
But please provide us with a street address (street number & name) - even if it is the only Post Office in town - as if it is an office address.
A phone number would help too - this will avoid delays.

No worries, we will do our best. Just let us know.
Please give us as much notice as possible - especially for special occasions like birthdays!
In most cases, we CAN arrange an upgrade from Regular Post to Express Post for a little extra.
Please contact us first so we can update your invoice to show the correct amount.

I want to order more than one item...
Sure! Please "Add to Cart" for all the items you want and let the system work it out for you.
If you're unsure, let us know. A quick message is all we need.

No. Sorry - unless you're picking up furniture directly from our supplier.
Because most of our items are located in a commercial warehouse - with NO public acess.
There is no shop front - because that's how we can pass on the savings to you!

- Combined Shipping - We are happy to combine shipping for multiple purchases based on the combined weight and dimensions of your items, so add what you like to cart as you go, and check out our shop to see what else you like... you never know what you might find!
- All items we sell are Stored in a Clean and Smoke Free Environment so You can Rest Asured they will be In Top Condition when they arrive at your place.
- Packaging & Sending - All your items will be packed well and we do everything we can to make sure you package arrives safely. In the unlikely event something does go wrong with your package, please contact us via email. We do our best to resolve any concerns.
- Prompt Shipping - Your package will be sent to you promptly once payment is cleared. In most cases it will be dispatched the next business day.
- Packaging Materials - We endeavour to support "green policies" and recycle clean packaging materials whenever possible. Brand names on packaging material may not necessarily match the content.
- Combined Shipping - We are happy to combine shipping for multiple purchases based on the combined weight and dimensions of your items, so add what you like to cart as you go, and check out our shop to see what else you like... you never know what you might find!

The Courier Needs Your Phone Number

Generally they may never ring you - and they tend to just turn up anyway. But their office needs to have your phone number on file for "just-in-case".
If you have any special delivery instructions, please let us know.
It is best to providing these details by sending us a quick message - this means your parcel will be dispatched to you faster.
Because we're here for you.
and your sewing needs.
Sew Much Easier is founded by a sewists, for fellow sewist :-)
We're a surprisingly small team that put a great deal of thoughts into what we do and how we do it. We stock only a handful of curated sewing goodies - each one carefully hand picked and tested ourselves.
Everything we stock only make it to our online store if we absolutlely LOVE them - for our own sewing. Because we're only interested in handing over what YOU would be happy with.

Hi, I'm Shelley.
I confess that I'm a fabric addict. And I love nothing more than geeking out over the ins-and-outs of sewing machines - and all the bits that come with it. Presser feet are my specialty :-)
I've been sharing my passion of sewing all my life - with a career in fashion design and patchwork teaching - and now I serve fellow sewist everywhere by delivering sewing goodies to your door. And that's only the beginning.
Long after your first purchase - whether it's a sewing machine, dressmakers dummy, or some bobbins - we'll be there to celebrate your joy in the simple act of making something by hand.
Simply drop us a line and...
we'll be there whenever you need help. Any time.

P.S. I know you're a savvy shooper. And you understand the value of Buy Well, Buy Once.
Because you want to be 100% confident in the quality of your purchase, so that you can be 100% confident in your sewing!
That's Why...
I'd like to make sure You are 100% Happy - so take your time, take a couple of months - get to know your sewing goodies from us.
And in case you change your mind - No Worries. Because shopping online should be stress-free!
Give it a Go Today. You'll be glad you did. So, Go Ahead!
P.P.S. Join Thousands of Happy Sewists Australia-wide, and be part of our caring creative community. Contact me (Shelley) any time for technical advice or anything sewing related.
Stay in touch - I'm here for you :-)
Last but Not Least...
Remember to send me a photo.
Because I'd LOVE to see Your Work!

While Melbourne is our home, most of our goodies are kept in a commercial warehouse in Sydney. They aren't open to the public and there's NO shop front.
That means for most items...
We are Not Able to Offer Pick Up.
Instead we provide fast & low cost delivery to your door :-)
The Only Exception is for Furniture - pick up can be arranged from the supplier directly.
Would you like more information on this item?
Can we clarify anything else for you at all?
Please feel free to Call 1300 88 11 59
or Send Us a Message anytime.
Your message will be responded to ASAP, usually within 24 hours and during business hours, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Australian Eastern Standard time.
In case the phone line is busy - please leave a clear message with your contact number (including area code) and we'll call you back. Cheers!
Dress maker dummyBy: michaeldunraven on 8 August 2022It was an absolute pleasure to buy from sew much easier, amazing customer service and really clear and helpful communication from start to end.
Fast DeliveryBy: Ann on 5 April 2022Hi Shelley Thank you for the fast handling - my order arrived so quickly! I am so grateful to have this ahead of time. Hope you have an awesome week. Ann
Fast & FabulousBy: 74947418604 on 7 July 2021Being a bloke it's a little tricky to find the correct dummy, unless looking in the mirror counts. Sew Much Easier has indeed made it that much easier to find what I needed, a SupaFit Male Mannequin for Tailoring! The whole process from beginning-to-end was trouble free, smooth and efficient. I'm very pleased with Balthazar, yes, I've named him! Thank you to everyone involved in getting him to my home extremely fast. I highly recommend dealing with Sew Much Easier and will be a returning customer again.