The Pattern Drafter - Easy Pattern Making System for Perfect Fit (Ladies & Menswear)

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The Pattern Drafter - Easy Pattern Making System for Perfect Fit (Ladies & Menswear)

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AU $197.00
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6 Reviews
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Australia's Friendliest Sewing Store

34,261 Happy Customers Served
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Buy The Pattern Drafter - Easy Pattern Making System for Perfect Fit (Ladies & Menswear) Today & Receive These For FREE!

* Strictly limited. Act fast to secure yours!


Master Patternmaker's Secret Exposed:
You Too Can get the Perfect Fit Every Time
Without Stuffing around with Store-bought patterns!

Read on to find out more...

If you're reading this, chances are...
  • You want to make your own clothes because you can never buy clothes that fit.
  • You've been using store-bought patterns but they still don't fit you properly.
  • You're fed up with endlessly adjusting patterns - what a waste of time, effort AND fabric!

There has  got to be an easier way, right?
YES, there  is - and you're about to find out...


"The Pattern Drafter is the best! It is very easy to use.

I followed the instructions from the book, and drafted my block patterns (front and back) in under 10 mins.

Thank you Maria for your great invention."
- Nirva Zephir

Most of us have struggled with store-bought patterns... sometimes all too often!

Ask anybody who sews.....

There's NOTHING more frustrating than having to fiddle endlessly with lots of adjustments on store-bought, commercial sewing patterns (commonly known as "Big 4")

No matter what you do - they STILL don't look anything like the pictures on the envelope when you try them on.

And this is AFTER you've have already paid a fortune for your pattern. AND fabric. And tons of time you don't have. Grrrrrrr.......

Now, imagine NEVER having to fork out good money for another commercial pattern (which may or may not fit you), Ever Again !


You want to Feel Like You Can Create ANYTHING You can dream up. Right?!


Often the hard part is to come up with exactly the right method, for the right job, at the right price.

Of course, there is no shortcut to become an accomplished patternmaker...

But the first step in creating professional result is having the right system on hand.

"Pattern Drafting… the smart way!

[The Pattern Drafter] is a relatively new pattern drafting system with an amazing ruler that is so simple to use it’s genius…although it’s clear that a whole lot of hard work has been done in the development of such a system.

A few days ago I attended a pattern drafting workshop with the lovely Maria herself, who announced in her opening introduction to us all that in the space of a mere few hours we would draw up a pattern block for a dress, trousers, sleeves and a collar using our own measurements… and then actually sew up a calico of the dress block to do a fashion parade of sorts.

I was sceptical, this sounded like a lot to fit into the day. Well, we all did it and easily too!

Maria, using her prior years of experience as a seamstress, dressmaker and sewing teacher has developed an all in one ruler that enables you to easily and quickly convert just a few basic measurements into an accurate pattern block minus the math, stress and frustration that seemed for me to go almost hand in hand with drafting a pattern from scratch.

Maria’s done all the hard yards and converted all the right equations, gradings, and done all the research to come up with a product that I honestly think is going to be HUGE in the sewing world – for professional and home sewer alike!"

- Editorial, THE QUICK UNPICK - 4th April 2011

The Secret of ensuring a perfect fit  every single time is with The Pattern Drafter - your "Proper" Pattern Drafting System .

Simply start from your own body measurments and go from there. No more guesses!

For  Aust Size 6 to 30 approx.
Check Your Measurement:
Bust: 88 to 136 cm
Waist: 60 to 138 cm
Hips: 60 to 138 cm

Here's a little bit of insider information...

Having worked for a decade or so behind the scene in the clothing industry, I was formally trained as a Fashion Designer - and later spent 10 years teaching others the joy of sewing. I like to share insider tricks, and I believe in doing things properly.

Now, let me share a little-known secret from behind the scene...

The real difference is in the method - before we even start drafting sewing patterns.

When we started fashion design at uni, one of the first thing we learnt is that EVERYTHING begins with a basic block (also known as a "pattern sloper" in North America).

You see, we were already provided with ready-made basic blocks on sturdy brown cardboard (aka "Oak Tag") in standard Australian sizes.

These blocks were prepared earlier, drafted from a set of measurements, and they serve as blank canvas for us to draft the actual sewing patterns from - in ANY design.

By simply starting from a set of accurate measurements - creating outfits that fit & flatter is a given - because your pattern was meant to fit YOU in the first place. You already  knew it was going to fit - no matter what design you creat from it.

That means drafting your patterns from a basic block saves time AND effort
- with consistent, professional results.

This is an example of what it looks like:

This is  especially important when I make garments for myself, because I'm one of many that fall between sizes and have different sizes on chest / waist / hips, there is ALWAYS a need to adjust store-bought patterns.

To avoid headaches of wasted time and fabric, I drafted my own set of basic blocks, using MY own body measurements. This becomes part of my reference that I KEEP so that I can use it again and again.

And this is how things are done in the  real world - because fashion designers and patternmakers simply don't have time for stuffing around with patterns - and they certainly cannot afford to produce poorly fitted garments.

That's why every design house have their own set of basic blocks!

So this is the method I actually use myself - along with other pros .
Now You Can, too.

Start darfting your patterns the RIGHT way.
Give it a Try Now.

"Maria's system was an outstanding item and I know many members are now anxious to get hold of it.

Our young costume designer, only 23 years old, said when she gets her next contract the money is going to buy one of these. She sees it saving her hours of time spent drafting blocks to make the individual costumes.

I was in Tasmania on Sunday for a meeting of the Guild there and discussion centred on one group that wants to establish a pattern drafting group. Using The Pattern Drafter of course.

Once again, I cannot thank you enough for all you did to make our day the great success it was."

- Shirley, from Australian Sewing Guild

You Ask: What Size Range Does it Cover?

First - Please Check Your Actual Measurements:

Bust: 88 to 136 cm
Waist: 60 to 138 cm
Hips: 60 to 138 cm

That's Aust Size 6 to 30 - with a pinch of salt :-)

Why "pinch of salt"?
Because there is no industrial standard these days....
Clothes sizing varies from brand to brand.

Any Differences - this is what you do:

Plus or Minus  1 cm on the ruler = Plus or Minus  4 cm in finished garment.

Are You Covered? I'm Sure You Are!

No doubt you've already found out.....

Why working with store-bought pattern is such a PAIN...
  • So fragile you're struggling to use it without destroying it
  • The fit can be Hit & Miss (now you have more problems)
  • Utter Disappointment because it doesn't look like the picture!
Think About it...

Most sewing patterns (such as McCall's, Butterick, Simplicity & Vogue) are made with the average population in mind.

But since when are you merely  average, anyway?!

How would store-bought patterns fit you any better - if you're having trouble buying store-bought clothes in the first place. Right?

By starting with YOUR own unique measurements -  you can be 100% Confident of a Perfect Fit - simply by starting with a basic block to begin with!
Keen to Give it a go yourself?
Simply Add to Cart Now.

Here is your very own secret weapon - packed up ready to go wherever your fashion adventure takes YOU.

Paris? Milan? London? New York? Where would YOU like to go?

Start your adventure today. 

Click to order yours now.


"I have been sewing professionally for 3 years, and 12 months ago I discovered THE PATTERN DRAFTER.

I recently made a gown for the AFL Brownlow Medal which was worn by Lauren Tscharke, (Partner of Carlton player Bryce Gibbs) using THE PATTERN DRAFTER.

I find THE PATTERN DRAFTER to be easy to use and straight forward. It takes out the stress of not only creating a gown that looks great but fits perfectly first time every time.

THE PATTERN DRAFTER saves me time, money and headaches! I can't live without it.

But best of all with THE PATTERN DRAFTER I don't have to worry about the fit of a garment; it allows me to get on with the designing."
- Kadime, professional dressmaker and designer


See The Pattern Drafter in action...


The Pattern Drafter - your complete drafting system for sewing patterns!

Whether you are making a simple day dress, a pair of pants or an elaborate wedding gown, you need to start with a sewing pattern.

All patterns start out as a basic block with the wearer's measurements.

Until now, making a block pattern required skills usually obtained through years of apprenticeship, or studying at university using multiple rulers such as a French curve, right angle, grading, standard, hip curve etc.

The Pattern Drafter has ALL the rulers you need built into ONE neat system.

Instead of having to buy ALL these rulers:


You only need this ONE ruler:


Front                                                    Back

There is no need for lengthy calculations or complex drawing. You simply follow the step-by-step instructions on how to take measurements and transfer them onto paper using The Pattern Drafter.

Your basic block pattern WILL ensure a perfect fit, and - best of all - you can create your block in less than 10 minutes!

Bridal Gowns, Business Suits, Tops, Shirts, Jackets, Skirts, Pants. Your Block Pattern (or "pattern sloper") is ready to use, or it serves as a blank canvas for you to create ANY design imaginable.

With The Pattern Drafter you will never need to buy a pattern again. It's the only way to make professional clothing that will always fit perfectly, and creating original designs has never been easaier (or more rewarding)!

Now that you have discovered your secret weapon....
With The Pattern Drafter -
you too can be a Fashion Designer!

Love to give it a go?
Click the button and buy it now!


"I am really delighted with The Pattern Drafter and the fit of the blouse I made, it is so comfortable to wear.  I think that this is the first top that I have made that fits perfectly."

- Tracey Swan

Let's see what you get...

This ingenious pattern drafting system includes:

The Pattern Drafter Book

The Pattern Drafter Ruler

The Absolute Essential to Get You Started!

"Many thanks, the book is great for easy to understand instructions and have already drawn up a pattern. I have to say the whole package is really good, beautifully presented, the drafter itself is a such a clever concept."

- Vera Bentley

And, who's Maria anyway?

Locally designed and produced, The Pattern Drafter is proudly created by Maria Boncaldo .

She lives in Country Victoria and is a qualified dressmaker, pattern drafter, designer, tertiary teacher and private tutor.

Maria started sewing at the age of 10 when her sister's hand-me-down clothes needed re-styling to fit her. Sewing on the Singer treadle machine that her mother brought out from Italy, Maria soon found sewing a pleasure rather than a chore. This was the beginning of her love affair with sewing and her quest for perfection in garment making (if you've met her, you would know exactly what I'm talking about)!

While operating her own business and teaching, Maria found that she was not satisfied with the tools available for Pattern Drafting.

This problem was solved when Maria came up with a simple, accurate and quick Pattern Drafting system with easy to follow step-by-step instructions to take the mystery out of pattern drafting.
Maria's motto is "keep it simple" and she has achieved that aim by creating The Pattern Drafter.

Maria is confident you will find the experience of using The Pattern Drafter both enjoyable and rewarding because it has been developed to simplify and speed up your designs, whilst acheiving an accurate fit.

Since its launch in 2010, Maria has made life easier for hundres of budding designers and seamstresses across Australia and overseas, by introducing The Pattern Drafter that simplifies the process of "proper" patternmaking that takes only a fraction of the time and still delivers the same impressive results.

Here's YOUR chance to benefit from her nifty innovation - give it a go!

Intrigued? Simply Add to Cart To Get Yours Now!


You Ask: What if My Size Range is Different?

The Pattern Drafter covers these Measurements:

Bust: 88 to 136 cm
Waist: 60 to 138 cm
Hips: 60 to 138 cm

Any Differences - this is what you do:

Plus or Minus  1 cm on the ruler = Plus or Minus  4 cm in finished garment.


Are You Covered? I'm Sure You Are!


"As a professional Ballroom Dancer I need to look my best and have a dress that fits me perfectly and allows me to move freely.

I found The Pattern Drafter extremely easy to follow, with a perfect fit first time.

I am VERY happy with The Pattern Drafter, it has saved me time and money and has made my design ideas a reality."

- Sue Clarke, Kyambram VIC

So, How Does this Pattern Drafter Help?

To understand how this drafting system can help,
First let's look at how patterns are MADE. The proper way.


Once upon a time, tailors and couturiers used an accurate method to ensure their creation WILL fit and flatter their customers: simply make a replica form of each and everyone of their clients (since no two people are identical)!

The method was simple - though can be fiddly and time-consuming. They glue strips of paper tape around the client’s body, mark the reference points (shoulder line, bust apex, etc.) and cut off the paper form.

Using this paper-tape model, a basic pattern block could be made to fit each client, dramatically shortening the pattern-correcting process.

Looks like something out of a horror movie costume wardrobe, huh?

Then, based on the measurement of this replica of their client's body,  a basic block (or pattern sloper) was created to serve as a basic pattern (usually looks like plain dress with a fitted, round-neck bodice and narrow skirt, see picture on left).

Once the shape of the sloper has been refined by making a series of mock-up garments called toiles (UK) or muslins (US), the final (or "proven") basic blocks are then kept on file and it is the foundation for creating patterns for many styles of garments with varying necklines, sleeves, dart placements, and so on.

The basic block / sloper is usually made of lightweight cardboard or oat tag, without seam allowances or style details. This makes a template, ready for tracing.

Then, and only then, do you start making the sewing patterns, with seam allowances. 

And that's why coming up with the RIGHT basic block is so very important. Because this is the starting point of creating a bespoke wardrobe, getting it RIGHT in the first place means your garments from here on will fit and flatter - and, getting it wrong means endless adjustments and frustrations!

And the most important thing is -

Making your own clothes is supposed to be FUN, remember?


(Because stuffing around with store-bought pattern is most definitely NOT fun.)

But you don't have to go through ALL that trouble, because creating YOUR basic block is Now Easier Than Ever - with The Pattern Drafter system!

Once you have taken the time to create your very own set of basic blocks (using YOUR personal measurements or your fit model’s measurements) you can make anything . Seriously.

Order now and find out for yourself!



"[With The Pattern Drafter] I  am so much more confident to draft patterns for my customers no matter what their size or shape.

This helps me to get more customers because I am able to provide accurate patterns for a wide range of sizes and shapes.

It is also so…... much quicker than before. I actually enjoy pattern making much more now."

- Anne's Sewing and Alterations, Queensland

And, why can't I simply use a store-bought pattern?

Well, you can.

If only they are just right for you.

But is there such thing as "just right", straight from the packet, and magically fits you perfectly?

Think about how commercial patterns (eg. Vogue, Butterick, McCall's or Simplicity. Also known as the "Big Four") are created.....

First, these are American companies. They have a VERY different sizing system and these patterns are developed to cater for the American population.

Also, the seam allowances are included, and fairly generous, so it is near impossible to see how well (or not) this pattern might fit you. Unless you actually make it up and try it on!

The Australian Standard (used by our local clothing manufacturers) are different enough to the American sizing that you will probably end up having to make lots of adjustments. This takes time and patience.

Most people give up in frustration at this point, convinced that they are no good at making clothes.

But this is simply not true - they just didn't have access to the right system in the first place. Sounds familiar?

In any case, if you are making your own garments, you may be in between sizes, or simply expect a better fit for YOU, and this is why store-bought clothing just won't do for you.

So, do you think store-bought patterns are going to be any better? Not likely.

How do you go from Taking Measurments to Drafting Patterns?
Can you show me?

Sure, watch this video and let Maria show YOU how she does it. Step by step.


"I thoroughly enjoyed learning to make dress and pants using the [Pattern Drafter] ruler and how to apply it. 

It was so simple once I saw our finished product and realised how it all went together.  I have learnt several methods and this was the best.

Maria’s teaching is fantastic....  I would recommend this to anyone who wants to make their own clothes AND enjoy wearing them because they really do fit!"

- Irene, a Happy Customer

Did you know...

The Pattern Drafter is an Australian invention?

Apart from being a user-friendly system that gurantees a perfect fit AND allows you to create anything you wish....

One of the most compelling reason to support Maria and The Pattern Drafter is because it is produced right here in Australia.

The creation and manufacturing are done locally, by fellow Aussies who receive a fair wage for producing this top quality, innovative pattern drafting system that makes YOUR sewing easier - whether you sew for hobby or business!


Ready To Support a Local Business?
Simply click to order
to Get Yours Now!


Sounds great, but.........

I know, right now you're probably thinking:

" Yeah, I'd LOVE to get my hands on The Pattern Drafter.
But doesn't the price seem a bit high...?? "

I know where you're coming from.

We sewists are also fabric-holics, and you're probably saving for a certain "very special" fabric.
And, we all have a limited budget (and even less time).....

Let's Do the Maths....

These days, you can pay up to $30.00 each for a Vogue or Designer pattern. Just one.

in you entire sewing life.... if you plan to buy just 10 of these Sewing Patterns - you can easily blow at least $300.00 dollars.

And most of us buy more. Way more....

So - if you CAN afford to buy sewing patterns,
You CAN afford to invest in a Reliable Fitting System.

Especially when this system will cure your pattern dependency for good, AND give you the confidence to create freely.

You deserve The Pattern Drafter. Try it today.


NOW - think about How Much your store-bought patterns actually cost you....

You fork out the money and go home with tissue paper inside an envelope AND with the expectation that the pattern WILL deliver that gorgeous outfit as seen in the front of the packaging. How exciting!

So you simply couldn't wait. You have the perfect fabric just waiting for such outfit, and you have a perfect occasion on the weekend to wear this outfit. A few hours later, your outfit got to the stage where you could try it on. Almost giddy with anticipation, you put it on (while being careful of the sharp pins holding some seams) and look in the mirror....

Only to find that your outfit Looks NOTHING like the picture on the pattern.

You've put in the effort to followed instructions, but the fit is just.... not quite right.

How Many Times has This Happened to YOU?

And, how much time (and effort) have you spend on fiddling with patterns that just aren't right for your measurement - and chances are, you've already wasted good fabric. More than once. Grrrr.

And Now You're Totally. Fed. Up. with wasting time, effort, AND fabrics!


You will find that The Pattern Drafter more than just a ruler.

What you get is a complete system that gives you professional results.

An excellent investment if achieving the perfect fit first time, every time is important to YOU. 

Your creation will fit you (or your wearer) perfectly - and you will NEVER have to struggle with store-bought sewing patterns and disappointing results, EVER again!

So, that means The Pattern Drafter can actually SAVE you
Time, Money, Fabric and Your SANITY - Can You Afford NOT to Have it ?

"I thought the pattern drafter was great. And to actually make a garment from it that actually fitted perfectly. I only had to take in the darts under the bust by about 3mm. Not even really worth mentioning.

The woman I made the dress for had a very low bust line and I wondered if the pattern drafter would do it. So I was pleasantly surprised when she tried on the toile and everything was in the right spots.

It was the first time I had actually used the pattern drafter. I had a beam from ear to ear.

Being in the fashion and couture industry, it makes the end product that much easier to sew knowing that the garment is going to fit the wearer.

I recommend the pattern drafter to other sewers. I will never buy another sewing pattern again (I no longer have room for them anyway as I have about 1000).

- Melanie, a happy customer

Keen To Try It Out For Yourself?

Why Not Give it a Go Now?


Grab yours now and you can experience:
  • Pattern drafting like a pro - No More Struggle.
  • Save Time and Get your garment done - already!
  • Do it Right in the first place - so you can Avoid headaches :-)
  • A sense of achievement , because you've solved your own problem.
  • No Frustration - all Enjoyment during your Precious Me-time!
  • Be proud and tell everyone: "I made this!"
BUT....  Make Sure You Act Quickly.
While Stock Lasts.

What's more.... the money you invest in this easy-to-use system is nothing to how much more you'll enjoy always having clothes that fits perfectly with your new found secret weapon...


So the Only Question is:
Should you get just ONE for yourself,
or Grab a Second one for a friend?


Simply  Click Now To Get Yours.


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Still Not Sure? That's Okay.

We understand. Because sometimes it's hard to know if you really want something, right?

Especially when shopping online!

That's why we provide 60 Day Money Back Easy Returns* to support you.

Because we know sewing - but You Know Best :-)

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Your purchase from us comes with our 60-Day Easy Returns option!*

In the unlikely event if it doesn't work for you in any way, simply contact us. You have sixty (60) days to try things out.

There's no rush. Take your time.

Beacuse we want you to have plenty of time to feel absolutely certain that you're enjoying what you've chosen!

If you're not 100% happy - simply let us know and return the item in brand new condition, including all original packaging intact.

We will send you a full refund (excluding postage) promptly and courteously - No Worries!

 Ready to Give it a Go?
Simply Add to Cart Now.

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IMPORTANT: Because your order is processed promptly once funds are cleared, there won’t be time to make changes to shipping details, So When You Complete Checkout please help us by double checking we have the following:

  • Correct Physical Address. Most of the time PO Box is fine, though we may ask you for a physical address if we end up using a courier instead of Aust Post.
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Order Now - Before You Miss Out!

Now, Let's Get Your Order On Its Way To You!


How long will it take to receive my order?

All fully paid orders placed by 5pm Monday to Thursday will be processed overnight and ready to send by our warehouse - normally the next day or following business day.

Orders placed on Friday and Weekends will be processed on Sunday night - because our warehouse operates Monday to Friday except Public Holidays.

Once it leaves our warehouse, the actual time frame is up to the delivery services. This can vary depending on your location and road conditions.

Any delivery time estimates shown are estimates only - so please use it as a guide line.

You'll receive a few email updates from our system as your order progresses, so please stay tuned on these!

secure paymentHow will my order be sent?

We use a dispatch system that works out the most efficient way to send your order.

This way the postage works out fair and reasonable, and your parcel reaches you quickly as well - because we know you can't wait!
That means your parcel may reach you by either Courier or Aust Post.

In general, larger items tend to be delivered by couriers, while small items tend to go by Aust Post.

How is my postage calculated?

Great question.

Depending on weight and dimension, some times we are able to do Flat Rate across Australia, so the postage is the same no matter where you are.

Other times we use the Built-in Calculated system provided by Aust Post, and your postage is calculated based on YOUR location.

Can I get it delivered to my P.O. Box?

Depends on the item (and its dimensions), because Aust Post have size restrictions and couriers are NOT allowed to deliver to a P.O. Box.

Please check with us when in doubt.

If you have nominated a P.O. box, and the item is within Aust Post size, then it will go by Aust Post. Most of the time, this is the case.

When your item is too big, or being sent directly from our supplier, then we need you to provide a physical address so we can send a courier.

Can I get my order sent to a different delivery address? 

Your sure can!

When you check out, you can choose to ship your order to your billing address or a different address.

Simply choose the second option, and then fill in the shipping address of where you want you parcel sent.

Please double check we have Your Correct Address so your order can find its way to you!

What if courier services are not available in my area?

Some locations are outside of courier services....

In these cases we CAN arrange for your order to be deliverd to your local post office.

But please provide us with a street address (street number & name) - even if it is the only Post Office in town - as if it is an office address.

A phone number would help too - this will avoid delays.

What if I need my order urgently?

No worries, we will do our best. Just let us know.

Please give us as much notice as possible - especially for special occasions like birthdays!

In most cases, we CAN arrange an upgrade from Regular Post to Express Post for a little extra.

Please contact us first so we can update your invoice to show the correct amount.

Do you offer combine shipping?
I want to order more than one item...

Sure! Please "Add to Cart" for all the items you want and let the system work it out for you.

If you're unsure, let us know. A quick message is all we need.
This way we can double check the postage for you. Simple!

Can I pick up my order?

No. Sorry - unless you're picking up furniture directly from our supplier.

Because most of our items are located in a commercial warehouse - with NO public acess.

There is no shop front - because that's how we can pass on the savings to you!

Some useful things you might want to know:
    • Combined Shipping - We are happy to combine shipping for multiple purchases based on the combined weight and dimensions of your items, so add what you like to cart as you go, and check out our shop to see what else you like... you never know what you might find!
    • All items we sell are Stored in a Clean and Smoke Free Environment so You can Rest Asured they will be In Top Condition when they arrive at your place.
    • Packaging & Sending - All your items will be packed well and we do everything we can to make sure you package arrives safely. In the unlikely event something does go wrong with your package, please contact us via email. We do our best to resolve any concerns.
    • Prompt Shipping - Your package will be sent to you promptly once payment is cleared. In most cases it will be dispatched the next business day.
    • Packaging Materials - We endeavour to support "green policies" and recycle clean packaging materials whenever possible. Brand names on packaging material may not necessarily match the content.
The Courier Needs Your Phone Number

When you're completing check-out please make sure your best day time phone number is included - because the courier requires a phone number.

Generally they may never ring you -  and they tend to just turn up anyway. But their office needs to have your phone number on file for "just-in-case".

If you have any special delivery instructions, please let us know.

It is best to providing these details by sending us a quick message - this means your parcel will be dispatched to you faster.

 Act Now and We'll Get It To You ASAP!

Why Shop With Us?

Because we're here for you.
and your sewing needs.

Sew Much Easier is founded by a sewists, for fellow sewist :-)

We're a surprisingly small team that put a great deal of thoughts into what we do and how we do it. We stock only a handful of curated sewing goodies - each one carefully hand picked and tested ourselves.

Everything we stock only make it to our online store if we absolutlely LOVE them - for our own sewing. Because we're only interested in handing over what YOU would be happy with.


Hi, I'm Shelley.

I confess that I'm a fabric addict. And I love nothing more than geeking out over the ins-and-outs of sewing machines - and all the bits that come with it. Presser feet are my specialty :-)

I've been sharing my passion of sewing all my life - with a career in fashion design and patchwork teaching - and now I serve fellow sewist everywhere by delivering sewing goodies to your door. And that's only the beginning.

Long after your first purchase - whether it's a sewing machine, dressmakers dummy, or some bobbins - we'll be there to celebrate your joy in the simple act of making something by hand.

Simply drop us a line and...

we'll be there whenever you need help. Any time.


P.S.  I know you're a savvy shooper. And you understand the value of Buy Well, Buy Once.

Because you want to be 100% confident in the quality of your purchase, so that you can be 100% confident in your sewing!

That's Why...

I'd like to make sure You are 100% Happy - so take your time, take a couple of months - get to know your sewing goodies from us.

And in case you change your mind - No Worries. Because shopping online should be stress-free!

Give it a Go Today. You'll be glad you did. So, Go Ahead!

P.P.S.  Join Thousands of Happy Sewists Australia-wide, and be part of our caring creative community. Contact me (Shelley) any time for technical advice or anything sewing related.

Stay in touch - I'm here for you :-)

Last but Not Least...
When you've made something with goodies from us...
Remember to send me a photo.

Because I'd LOVE to see Your Work!


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Contact UsWhere Are We?

While Melbourne is our home, most of our goodies are kept in a commercial warehouse in Sydney. They aren't open to the public and there's NO shop front.

That means for most items...
We are Not Able to Offer Pick Up. 

Instead we provide fast & low cost delivery to your door :-)

The Only Exception is for Furniture - pick up can be arranged from the supplier directly.

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Please feel free to Call 1300 88 11 59

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Your message will be responded to ASAP, usually within 24 hours and during business hours, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Australian Eastern Standard time.

In case the phone line is busy - please leave a clear message with your contact number (including area code) and we'll call you back. Cheers!

Sew Much Easier Contact

Got a question? We're happy to help! Drop us a line below or call within Australia on 1300 88 11 59



Great communication
By: on 25 August 2024

I purchased the Patterndrafter and a zipper foot. I am a happy customer. It was so easy to draft a dress block. Shelleys follow up emails were a bonus too with some good tips and free downloads to read. I haven't used the zipper foot yet as still trying to figure out how to fit it to my machine but I am happy with the level of service provided.

Pattern Drafter
By: on 22 November 2023

The pattern Drafter arrived very quickly. I read the information booklet and am now eager to begin the drafting. It's going to be a challenge. Must buy a new bra prior to the measuring!!

Pattern Drafter
By: on 10 December 2022

I chose this product because I have a limited area for conventional patternmaking. I drafted a basic bodice but because I am presently at the upper end of the size range, had to make some structural adjustments to accommodate my size. I have yet to test my blocks.

Very Happy
By: on 3 January 2022

Hi Shelley, Thank you. I've received my order with no problems and in good time considering all the current postal delays. I have been one of the fortunate people throughout this virus and have been working full time throughout, as a consequence, I haven't had an opportunity to use my pattern drafter yet, but I am keen. I'm going to have a bit of a play around with it first using the instruction book that comes with it, and then I will probably purchase the video course for a little extra tutelage. There just never seems to be enough time to get to everything I'd like to do. Stay happy and well, Gorana

Great Asset for Pattern Making!
By: on 25 November 2020

Hi Shelley , my order came very quickly which was great as yet I haven't had time to use it properly but have read all of the information on it and hope to get to use it soon. I learned pattern drafting at school and used the skill to make clothes for my children and grandchildren when they were babies. This pattern drafter will no doubt be a great asset and make pattern making much easier and I can see my granddaughter using it too as she is a talented sewer. Once again thank you for the prompt service and great product. Janet .

Pattern drafter
By: on 18 November 2020

Haven't yet used this product but I am impressed with its presentation it arrived promptly and was well packed. Will update when I've had a chance to use it. Learned to draft patterns at school and always drafted patterns for kids clothes but this will make it so much easier. Thank you


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