The Lucky Winner of the Janome Overlocker is...
Congratulation, Debbie Gobbert, (from QLD)!!
(The winner's email is debb***obber***1@g* Only the right Debbie will know what the missing letters are)
I’m so excited for you – just think of the wardrobe you can create with your very own overlocker...
Congratulations, lucky lady!!
Now let's talk about what YOU might win next...
With winter truely upon us, most of us are busy turning quilt tops into quilts.
That means you need some batting!
Whether you do the quilting yourself, or sending them away to get yours quilted, you will LOVE our 100% Bamboo Batting. And we are giving away a WHOLE roll!
So, whether you’re already making quilts, or just discovering the (oddly addictive) joy of cutting-fabric-up-and-sewing-them-back-together-again, you WILL love our bamboo batting
Best of Luck - I hope you win!
P.S. Remember to join BEFORE midnight 31st of July – Because you have to be in it to WIN it!