News & Stories

What's Your Christmas Project?

Quick Question: What Are You Sewing For Christmas? Love to see your project - even if it's just work-in-progress :-) Simply email me and send photos... Happy Sewing! xoxox P.S. Here's my Christmas wishes to you... Thank you Shelley for all your help and all that you do for others. Have a ...
Author: Shelley Hong      

And the People Stay Home - a poem (and the story behind it)

Here's a story about a retired school teacher. Catherine - she goes by Kitty - lives with five rescue dogs and her hubby, Phillip. A former teacher and chaplain, Kitty is now retired. After years working in palliative care, Kitty was worried for her friends who still work in healthcare and battling the virus in the ...
Author: Shelley Hong      

We're all in this together

We're living in uncertain & unsettling times right now. It's all too easy to get swept away into madness, when you're just going about your normal routines - then you realised nothing around you seem normal anymore. Thousands of Australians aren’t leaving the house. Supermarket shelves are empty. Events have been can...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Fabric Designers: Bonnie and Camille

It's no secret that I'm a fabric hoarder. I find it hard to part with fabric - especially those designed by Bonnie & Camille for Moda. If you haven't met them - they are the cutest mother & daughter design team. Their signature style is always so fresh, relaxed and happy - the colours cheer up every room, brighten...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Bushfire Sewing Updates

Sewing for bushbabies - here's an update... and more. For those who tuned in last week, I passed on an urgent call for help from The Rescue Collective & Animal Rescue Craft Guild - who desperately needed everyone who sews to make things for the bushfire affected animals. Our story went viral on Facebook - reachi...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Sewing for Bushfire Affected Wildlife

Our Bush Babies Need You - and Your Sewing Skills. It's been devastating watching our beautiful bushland go up in flames. My heart goes out to all who are affected. No words can describe the sheer terror for all - not just for the people, but for our wildlife as well. It hit home when I received a call for help...
Author: Shelley Hong      

In case you need to hear this...

I'd just like you to know that... You're doing a great job . Each day, you put the needs and wants of other ahead of your own, even if some days turn out harder than others. You always begin with the best intention - even though sometimes things don't work out exactly as you imagined. You make-do the best you c...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Inspired by Frida

While I seem to dress in true Melbournian style of everything black - Spring always inspires me to get colourful. There's no one more vivid & colourful than this lady... Frida devoted her entire lifetime to make this world a better place despite her physical challenges. She chose to create. ...
Author: Shelley Hong      

The Pink Vintage Ball Gown Story

Once upon a time... I fell in love with a dress I spotted in an antique shop The dress in the window was what dreams were made of - a full length ball gown that had the fullness befitting any Disney princess. The fabric was the most exq...
Author: Shelley Hong      

How I Found Myself in the World of Fashion

I was the weird kid in high school. I preferred my own company over the gossiping girls, so I spent my lunch time in the ceramics room. I loved getting muddy and turning up to the afternoon classes covered in clay with a big grin on my face. I also played with paint and charcoal - and my collages were popular among teachers...
Author: Shelley Hong      

What Was Your Childhood Security "Thing"?

This is the story about my childhood "security blankie". It wasn't a blanket, quilt or even teddy bear. It was actually... a Turtle! (this is not the turtle - though it was the closest thing I could find) My turtle was made of hexagons in pretty patchwork fabric. He had a blue body and tropical prints in ...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Mum & Yellow Roses - a Secret Quilt in the Making

My Mum LOVES Yellow Roses. So much so, that one Mother's Day when I surprised her with THE most beautiful standard rose I could find - almost taller than her, amazing perfume, and happily blooming. It was perfect. Did Mum love her surprise? Well... Mum's instant reaction was: "Oh, I wish it wa...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Handmade with Love - The Velveteen Rabbit

For Easter, I'd like to share my favourite bunny story Did you ever read 'The Velveteen Rabbit' as a child? Here's the plot if you didn't... The story began when a little boy received a handmade toy bunny , made of velveteen. Let's simply call him Rabbit. He was beautifully made - w...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Does Your Dress Form Have a Name?

I came across something that cracked me up this week.... I met Fancy Nancy. "While I was attempting to dress "Fancy Nancy" for a photo shoot this afternoon, Miss 10 expressed confusion as to who I was talking about. Upon clarifying that Fancy Nancy was my mannequin , she told me 'sewing has turned yo...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Let Me Tell You About My Brave Friend

Her name is Emma. This is about my brave friend, and her audacious dream... I met Emma in Tahiti ... At a precise point in time where we were both deemed "terminal" with mysterious illnesses that no one knew existed for sure, lest having a cure for. She'd sold all of her personal possessions, left UK, a...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Who's Your Sewing Buddy?

Here's mine. My sewing buddy isn't as interested in sewing as she likes to sleep - that's why we nicknamed her "Little Cushion". She's a rescue, full of tortitude. Oh, and she doesn't like photos. Your sewing buddy can (sometimes) be your biggest fan.... Or make your s...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Story of The North Polar Bear

An un-conventional Christmas Tradition My friend Autumn's parents divorced when they were in primary school. That meant Christmas was divided between two households - so her mum didn't always get to have them over for Christmas Eve / Christmas Day. But Autumn's mum LOVED Christmas traditions. Instead of fe...
Author: Shelley Hong      

This is it.

Let's not waste a single moment.... You may or may not already know this - it was a health scare (years ago) that brought me here today, with you. This isn't something I'd normally share - though let me take you back to where it all began - in those uncertain, nail-biting moments when I first got sick , while ...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Three Suspicious Women and a Trunk Full of Fabric

Here's the final chapter of my fabric destashing adventure. So earlier in the year I started my " Kon Mari " decluttering. It was not for the faint hearted, and you can read it over HERE . Then when it comes to my fabric stash, I wanted them to go to worthy causes (such as this place). So I made a call-out fo...
Author: Shelley Hong      

An Unexpected Phone Call

The phone rang... It was a chirpy, but unfamiliar voice. "I need to ask a huge favour. Our sewing machine and overlocker both stopped working. We are desperate for replacements. Can you help?" Her name was Beck. She called from St Mary's House of Welcome. ...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Fabric Stash Challenge - Are You With Me?

Does your fabric stash support the way YOU want to create? I've been contemplating about my fabric stash, and examining whether it supports the way I want to create. Let's think about it... Does your fabric stash actually work for you? Is it organised in a way that inspires you to get creative? Or, does it...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Inner Judgemental Cat - Do You Have One?

I have a confession to make... I have an Inner Judgemental Cat. Have you ever made a quilt or a garment that everyone thinks is out of this world, except you? You weren't able to share the same joy, because you knew there were some flaws or mistakes in i...
Author: Shelley Hong      

What's Your Sewing Kryptonite?

What Do You Avoid In Sewing...that you wish you could be better at...? Recently we had some fun exploring our Sewing Superpower .... Now let's look at the other side: What's your sewing Kryptonite? In other words: What's the ONE thing in sewing that you'd go out of your way to avoid? (...
Author: Shelley Hong      

The Last Dance with Dad - a (non-sewing) Father Story

The Last Dance with Dad a (non-sewing) Father Story The phone rang, it was my friend, M. "It's my Dad. He's gone. You had his last dance." This happened years ago, but this moment to me seems just as vivid now as that day. So surreal. So sudden. So utterly unbelievable. Growing up in subur...
Author: Shelley Hong      

What's Your Sewing Superpower?

Here's a Quick Question.... What's the ONE thing that you are really awesome at? In other words: what's your sewing superpower? For me, it's point matching in patchwork piecing... Love this fabric ? They are almost sold-out - we have the last few packs..
Author: Shelley Hong      

What Would Your Sewing Parrot Say?

If you had one next to you...? Let's have a bit of fun today... Pretend you have a sewing parrot. He quietly takes in the things and repeats what he hears most often, when we sew. What would YOUR parrot say...?? As silly as it so...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Story of My First Quilt - and How I Fell in Love with Patchwork

I didn't initially plan to make quilts. Patchwork quilting had always been one of those "I'll pick it up when I retire" things for me. Don't get me wrong - I love patchwork quilts. And my late grandma made them out of sc...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Who Do You Sew For?

Do You Sew for... A. My Kids / Grand Kids / Fur Kids B. Myself C. Others... Yes - you can choose more than one :-) I'm asking because I'm really inspired by this lady... Your browser does not support the video tag. ...
Author: Shelley Hong      

The (Last Minute) Carmen Miranda Dress

I Made a Carmen Miranda Dress - Last Minute and this is the story. First year uni in the early 90s - I got a place at fashion school ( not quite by accident - but almost). RMIT Fashion was the most prestigious place for budding fashion designe...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Show & Tell: from a Lucky Draw Winner

I received a surprise the other day. It was an unexpected email. The email came from one of our Lucky Draw Winners , Denna. "4th October 2017 I won my body double and I love it. I just wanted t...
Author: Shelley Hong      

What's YOUR Sewing Machine?

What Sewing Machine Have YOU Got...? Do you love it...?? Quick Question: What's YOUR sewing machine? Is your machine... an old one I've had for ages a beginner's basic because I'm new / don't sew a lot a decent...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Let Me Tell You About My Talented Friend

Her name is Nikki. Nikki and I went to RMIT Fashion - but we never actually met at school because she was a few years my senior. The early 90s wasn't an easy time for fashion graduates and we each had our own adventures. While I took the (seemingly) more secure path in working for large...
Author: Shelley Hong      

The Christmas That Never was

This is a story of Sewing, and my Grandmother... I didn't start off sewing in this story - at least not at first. My grandmother didn't actually teach me to sew either - though my earliest memory was playing on the floor next to her old electrical Singer while she was sewing. For a toddler, playing in a pile of fa...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Sewing Quote - What's Your Favourite?

Quick Question - do you have a favourite sewing quote? And of course you can share more than one :-) Here are a couple of mine.... I love it because mistakes lead us to surprising solutions - perhaps help bring out th...
Author: Shelley Hong      

The Sicilian Village Tailor and The Mafia Boss

And How Quick Thinking with a few Stitches Saved the day. Have you ever made a fatal mistake in sewing, only to discovered it at the last moment - too late to be able to do anything? Here's the story about that desperate moment. There was once an old tailor who ran a small workshop in a tiny village in Sicily. ...

Who Taught You How to Sew?

Quick question - who taught YOU how to sew? Was it: Mum / Grandma Teacher Taught Yourself Others - who? And, how did it go? Did you love it straight away? Was it challenging? Would you have taught it differently - given the chance? For me, I'd love to say "Grandma" - though she d...
Author: Shelley Hong      

My (non-sewing) Dad's Secret Identities

Dad never liked small talks - he disliked it so much that he'd avoid picking up the phone. Still, nothing escaped his attention. Dad goes about life in a quiet, insightful way and he's philosophical about everything. In fact, anyone wh...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Behind The Scene Tour

Ever wondered what goes on behind Sew Much Easier? Here, let me give you some inside glimpse on what I do... All the sewing goodies on my website began their public lives in my little "photo studio" - see above - which doubles as my sewing room, the study, ...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Why - and What - Do You Sew?

Quick question – why do YOU sew? Yes – you can choose more than one…. And, what do you sew? Patchwork? Garments? Do you do crafts other than sewing? I’m asking because I’m making plan to better serve your needs. So, do tell xoxox ...
Author: Shelley Hong      

My Mum Doesn't Sew

In fact, she’s not all that handy with most craft either. My Mum is utterly lost around sewing machines. Though there was one thing that she enjoyed: knitting and crocheting. From time to time, she would be so proud of her work that she’d dress my brother and I head to toe in her creations. The most memorable was...
Author: Shelley Hong      

My Secret Dream - in a Dress

Do you have a thing that you’ve made, that means something extra special to you? It doesn’t even have to be your best work – rather, a personal favourite? Here’s the story of THE favourite thing I’ve made… After my first attempt at serious sewing , I merrily went down the path of making dresses out of store-b...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Good Bye Career, Hello Life....

What’s sewing got to do with it, you ask? A lot. Let me go into it a bit more…. In my former life as a fashion designer holding a senior position, I was working at a family-run boutique fashion house. I was involved in everything from hiring staff, training them and retaining them, retail sales AND the actual job...
Author: Shelley Hong      

My First Sewing Machine

How did YOU get your first sewing machine? Here's the story of how I got mine... November is my birthday month, and it got me thinking about the most memorable present - my very own sewing machine - on my 15th birthday. I first got bitten by the sewing bug in primary school - hand sewing little felt toy...

My First (Serious) Attempt to Sew

I was that bored high school kid with a sewing machine, so I would occasionally make a few wearable “fashion” here and there – mainly because mum didn’t really let me go shopping but was ok with buying fabric from time to time – especially if there was a sale. I had no idea how things were supposed to be done. Instea...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Not All Presser Feet are Made Equal - what I learn behind the scene

"I just don't understand how people would spend so much on sewing machines, then use cheap inferior feet!" Said K, somewhat exasperated. "If only they knew the risks." "Risks? There are risks ?" I asked. This was how it all began. During a conversation with our supplier - for his privacy, let's just call him K. ...
Author: Shelley Hong      

Finally….. Sew Much Easier has a REAL website!

It’s official. It works. And oh my - it’s pretty too :-) After trading on eBay for the last couple of years (and having completed almost 5000 happy transactions on eBay alone), and chatting / meeting up with quite a few of you kindred hand-made souls, we’ve put together a little something for you to browse and enjoy! May...
Author: Shelley Hong      

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