Who's Your Sewing Buddy?


Here's mine.

My sewing buddy isn't as interested in sewing as she likes to sleep - that's why we nicknamed her "Little Cushion".

She's a rescue, full of tortitude.

Oh, and she doesn't like photos.


Your sewing buddy can (sometimes) be your biggest fan....


Or make your sewing plans "Mission Impossible".

That means you'd have to get creative & negotiate instead...


"We compromised.

He agreed to sit in the box, and I made him a comfy cushion for it."

- Mary

It's not just cats that demand your attention...

But how can you refuse?


Do YOU have a sewing buddy too?

Love to see some photos :-)

Better still - tell us how they help (or hinder) you sew.

Simply Email Me and I'd be happy to share your sewing buddy story with everyone :-)

Happy Sewing!


P.S. Some sewing buddies also act as your body-double. You are probably going to find them more helpful then your furry companions....

Let's meet some of these non-furry sewing buddies...

(aka body-doubles)

Types of Dressmaker's Dummies - what are the differences?




Janome DC2150 Beginner Sewing Machine + 15-Piece Presser Feet Set On Sale
Janome DC6050 Quilting Sewing Machine + The Ultimate Feet Set On Sale




Sharyn Smith


As long as U remember Little cushion is not your Pin Little cushion.... Yes I have sewing friends too all four of them, makes life a bit crowded in my sewing room.

I have a labradoodle “George”. A Terrior “Popsie”: Black cat “black Cat” and tabby cat named “Tiddles”



This pair watch me all the time as I sew Angel Gowns for www.angelgowns.org.au.

I wish I had a dress dummy. One day I will get myself one it would be awesome to display the donated wedding gowns and for making my own clothes.



This is Benny, my gorgeous long haired tabby. He just turned 1 and love to help me in my sewing room



Hi Shelley,

This is Violet. She is my rattie sewing buddy, but not very helpful.

Here she is showing off her handy work.....I am sure she thinks I love mending! Little miss innocent.

She also likes to try to pinch my needle when I am hand sewing and thinks playing tug-o-war with threads is a great game!



My Sewing Buddy is our 8 year old Miss Millie. She doesn’t mind my mess as you can see by the floor. She will sneak in and just curl up and go to sleep. We rescued her when she was about 8 months old and she is now a very contented, spoilt companion to both myself and my husband. Her biggest problem these days is who she will curl up beside, me in the sewing room or my husband in whatever room he is in!


Hi Shelley here's my sewing buddy and supervisor her name is misty

from Louice Mott


Cherry loves to be one on one with me when Im sewing, more hindrance than not!



This is my sewing buddy, Thumper.
He loves to lay on my feet while I’m trying to use the pedals!



Loki, one my sewing buddies -
Who is now banned from the sewing room because things like this happen...

Lauren Black



This is Anchovy 'Chovy' he is a rescue and I've had him for 2 years now.

I adopted him as a 4 year old and he is FIV positive and asthmatic but most clingy.

He likes to watch me sew so he can get close, he also likes to walk in front of the machine while I'm sewing so I made him this mat.

He also likes to help press while I'm cutting

He's just a big cutie that I wouldn't trade for anything



Hi Shelley,

This is my little helper Calico. She is not the sewing kind, but helps me out by keeping me Happy whilst sewing!

I Love her.

Kind regards,



Stella my sewing buddy, if there is wool or anything that I'm seeing hanging she thinks it's hers and takes it in her bed. I just have to laugh, because she gives me this look.



This is my helper. His name is Boots as you can see he is very helpful.
Cheers Di.


Hi Shelley,
This is Rolf and he’s a rescue too. He loves my sewing room and is very thankful that I bought my mannequin from you because it’s his new high rise extension to his normal bed that I made for him!

He loves it in here with me, if I’m not in my sewing room he comes out to find me and runs excitedly when I head down the hall towards the room!

Elly Sommer


Here's mine.



This is Cleo and as soon as she hears the machine going this is where she must be....



My sewing buddy Maggie



