Why - and What - Do You Sew?
Quick question – why do YOU sew?
Yes – you can choose more than one….
And, what do you sew?
Patchwork? Garments?
Do you do crafts other than sewing?
I’m asking because I’m making plan to better serve your needs. So, do tell
P.S. And here are some why & what from lovely Sew Much Easier members….. Enjoy!
I now sew mainly for the pleasure it gives me.
I started sewing when I was little, learned at my grandmothers knee. Then as a Teenager in the early 70’s I made nearly all my own clothes. Along came Babies, so I sewed for them one of my earliest Baby items was a fully reversible coat when my daughter was only a year old.
Have taught both my daughters to sew, with one even doing a Dressmaking course at TAFE, I spent a few years as a Home Ec assistant, and even lead the class in sewing when we had our first Male Home Ec teacher who didn’t know how to sew. Now I have taught my 2 of my 3 Grandaughters and 1 grandson how to sew.
I now do a lot of Patchwork and make Quilts for the Grandies, and any of my Husbands workmates that are expecting a baby in the family. I still make the odd item of clothing for myself and lots of Fancy Dress costumes, It is my Sanity.
Dear Shelley
This is why I and some 50-70 others all around South Australia sew!
Kind regards
I sew for fun for fun and to keep myself sane
Been sewing since 10 years old.
Mostly toys
Hi Shelley,
l sew because l love it, it’s creative and an enormous stress relief.
l got back into sewing after ill health forced an early retirement, and l am so glad l did.
l mainly sew bags and aprons, but anything that takes my fancy, really.
I have sewn since I as a young girl, can’t imagine a life without being able to sew.
Patchwork and quilting, home furnishing clothes anything that can. I have upholstered lounge suite and chairs etc.
I sew because I love it.
I do mending/repairs etc to fund my craft addiction (patchwork and papercrafts)
I love the creativity of patchwork, cutting up that gorgeous (or ugly fabrice) to make something fabulous
I sew because I love to make things. Lots and lots of things.
My passion is charity and I love to make toys and quilts. Toys for the Angels of the Forgotten charity, and quilts and laundry bags for Aussie Hero Quilts and laundry bag charity.
Hello Shelley,
My answer is C, quilts for family and charities.
I sew because I love creating things. Whether it be patchwork, toys or clothes
Thanks for asking
My love for sewing is more to help other people and charities like Treasure Babies. Tiny garments when they cannot buy anything small enough for prem babies..
Used to be to save money but not any more..all clothes are much cheaper to buy but still like to make some of my own things.
Some sewing is a hobby..stuffed toys, Christmas Decorations are more satisfying.
I sew for sanity – its cheaper than therapy.
No, seriously – I find it relaxing and would love to be able to turn my love into a money making business.
I was retrenched at the age of 51 when my job went offshore, I was a financial analyst.
I have also on the past had my own patchwork and embroidery shop.
Have sewn and done crafts since young.
Anyway not long after I lost my job I did work for 6mth but found it harder to find work with being over 50, all of a sudden I’m treated like I don’t have a working brain anymore. Jot long after my daughter and husband separated. In between being backup for granddaughter when not well I started making all the clothes my granddaughter wore to daycare. This lead to my daughter being asked where did you find those clothes, answer was my mum made them for her and she was always asked can we buy some too? Started selling just word of mouth.
Realised I could not find suitable work anymore so started selling at markets 2 years ago, at the moment getting a website up and running as the business has been growing steadily.
Its now my full time job, I’m backup for now Kindy grade granddaughter if she’s I’ll, and use craft skills I’ve always loved.
Love what I’m doing.
Sewing has always been part of my life.
I selected “Sewing” as one of my school subjects for my senior years of study. In order to do that I had to learn many hand stitches and make samplers of my efforts to be entered into my book for marks. As well as that we had to make several full size garments, plus a miniature of each also to go into the book.
I was encouraged by my parents as this would be a way of saving money and also making money in my future.
Down the track I took up making “Porcelain Dolls” including competition work. This meant not only painting and making the doll but then dressing it from the underwear to outer garments, including the footwear. The clothing had to reflect the era that the doll represented. I have several first place awards for my work.
I have had the pleasure of making ”Debutant dresses” for 5 of my nieces as well as my own two daughters.
I am still involved in “Craft” generally but still find sewing a pleasure.
I sew because I enjoy sewing and watching my friends and family
Faces light up when I give them what I have made.
I sew mostly patchwork and quilt but don’t mind hand sewing
And embroidery.
- Sharon
Hi Shelley, I sew because I am a qualified dressmaker and I love it.
- Anna
Addicted to fabric- used to dressmaking but now quilting.
- Judy
Hi Shelly,
I sew for: fun (that’s when I can find time these days) and now for work for promotional items, so everything I’m currently sewing is to give away.
I have a partially cross stitched baby cot set I started before my daughter arrived, but I ran out of time and now she is almost 4. Hopefully I can get my machine to finish it off for me one day for a dolls set instead.
Initially a family member taught me needle point embroidery, cross stitch, machine sewing. I’ve just recently started machine embroidery. Which I am finding quiet enjoyable and can’t wait to have more time to play again.
I have the digitising software that is a lot harder than I thought it would be to use. I’m lucky to have a lady that has given me some designs, which has given me the courage to click some buttons and see what happens.
I’m looking for quality products that will last and due to the fact my embroidery work is given away saving on costs is always helpful.
I purchased a trolley bag from you for my first machine and now a second for the new machine I’m getting. Can’t have too many machines, just need more room.
Thank you again for your fast and friendly service. I have told people to purchase your products so I’m hoping they do.
I sew Knickers!
Yes, sewing my own knickers out of recycled t-shirts saves me money. But sewing means much more.
When I’m feeling lonely, I can sew a gift for a loved one. When I’m feeling worthless, I can sew something useful. When I’m feeling miserable, I can sew something beautiful. When I’m feeling overwhelmed with pain, I know I can distract myself by sewing.
What I’ve sewn are not just things. They are things that last. They are memories.
The cushion cover I stitched, aged seven. The aprons I made as Xmas or birthday presents. The shoulder bags made from old jeans or jackets. The costumes made for dance or drama performances. The curtains made for a new home.
The wedding dress mum and I stitched between us in the seventies’, and then was remodelled in the nineties for my daughter. The patchwork I stitched after losing an unborn child. The tie-dye shirt made for our teenage son. The life-sized doll stitched for company after our offspring had grown and moved away. The quilt stitched for our pop when our beloved mum died, the fabric coming from her favourite clothes.
No wonder, the English word ‘sew’ is a survivor of several centuries. It’s from the Old English ‘á-seówan’. And it’s no coincidence that it means to sew, or fasten, or unite. So many friendships have been secured with stitches.
And what does the ‘Kama Sutra’ have in common with sewing? It’s the thread of love that holds things together. The root-word of ‘sew ’ also gave rise to ‘seam’; to ‘suture’, so needed for healing wounds; to ‘hymen’, the female covering; and to the French ‘couture’.
So whether you’re a hobbyist ‘sewer’, a professional ‘seamstress’, or the maker of ‘haute couture’, rootwise it’s the same thing really.
So, here’s to the lives we so lovingly sew together.
- Vesper
I sew for charity – clothes, library bags, marble bags, jewellery bags for Operation Christmas Child.
- Christine
Why do I sew.
Some years ago, my husband and I decided to retire and travel around Australia. While we were doing this for 4.5 years I took up crocheting, making jewellery and of course knitting. When we settled in a new home in South Australia I decided to search out the craft shop and wanted to learn to sew. My husband bought me a little Janome sewing machine, which sat in the office for 12 months whilst I was getting the courage to take lessons.
Well I did take lessons and was taught by a very patient person and since have done lots of quilting, patchwork, bags and all sorts. Now I am learning how to do stitchery. Great fun.
While I am sitting at my machine or simply stitching away, I am at peace, the world stands still for a little while and I relax and enjoy. After an hour or more of stitching I feel relaxed, rejuvenated, take a deep breath and talk wait for the next time when I can sit and sew.
My 9 year old puppy, Chloe, loves to sit with me and relax with me whilst I am creating.
That is why I sew, it is sooooooooooo good.
Hi Shelley
Thanks for the email,
So the reason I sew is to make money, and for the fun of it – I make my kids clothes which is the fun part.
The making money part is inspired by my kids. My brand is called MillyCruze Clothing. I make overalls and pinafores mostly now. Up until recently I was doing skirt, newborn gift sets, dresses, shorts etc.
Plus the biz keeps my mind occupied whilst I am a say at home mum, and working at turning it into a full-time income once they are at school. I don’t really do ay other craft.
As for option 1- to save money – I actually think its more expensive to make your own. With the price of fabrics etc its generally cheaper to buy mass produced items.
I’m going to jump over and readout blog posts now.
Dear Shelley
My first attempt to sew was when I was about 8 years old. My sister had a very old (pretty modern in those days) a singer sewing machine with the hand operated wheel at the side.
I made some dolls dress for my doll and I was hooked from then on in. I come from a family of sewers.
After that I came to Australia and I was given an old Treadle Singer sewing machine which I had in my bedroom and all to myself and I used to sit there on the weekend and make my own skirts which I would then embroider with whatever came to mind. I loved Home Science at High School, and was always the only one to do a number of projects per term, as I would ask the teacher what had to be done, and I would then take it home and finish it off. My mum taught me how to draft patterns from the Burda books and of course at school I learned the art of drafting my own patterns. I must say that I don’t do my own drafting but it gave a good understanding how patterns worked and soon learned how to change the look of the pattern with different touches.
I am now almost 70 years young and still sew all my own clothes, and I love it because I don’t have to worry about looking the same as someone else and my clothes always fit and
besides that, it costs a fraction of what you pay in the shop (I then spend it on expensive shoes).
Overtime I have made beautiful bed covers for my granddaughters clothes for my gorgeous grandsons, but now that they are older I don’t have to do that anymore. There have been many book week costumes made with the children telling me what needs to be done and of course Nanny did it, and we have had many wonderful hours creating.
Before I retired I treated myself to an embroidery machine and that was money well spent. I find that creating something new is good for your health and it keeps the brain working
and it good for your mental wellbeing.
Thank you for letting me share this wonderful past time.
- Maria
I started sewing at about 5 years of age making dolls’ clothes. My two older sisters made all their own clothes even underwear so there was always heaps of left over scraps of fabric. My first serious sewing project (on a sewing machine as all the dolls’ clothes were sewn by hand!) was at school (age 15) a dress for myself. Since then I have made clothes for myself, my husband, my children, my grandchildren, daughters-in-law. I also embroider, quilt, knit and crochet. Not enough hours in the day unfortunately so I plan to live to about 300 so I can complete all my projects. Love sewing yay.
- Grace
Hi Shelly
I cannot remember when I didn’t sew firstly for my dolls, then myself as a teenager, then my children ,then my grandchildren.
When I started having trouble with my hands and was diagnosed with RA and the sewing stopped for about 15 years. Then two years ago I had knuckles replaced on both hands ,and now I am making up for lost time.I discovered patchwork and love it.
I have just finish sewing garments to be worn for my granddaughters wedding.
I find sewing very relaxing even if my husband says I’m obsessed. Love to sew
I sew for fun and a bit of ‘pocket ‘ money! I love to quilt!
- Karen
I sew for all three reasons you gave, I am an old age pensioner and because I live alone and extremely rural on a small hobby farm I have some time on my hands as I no longer drive.
I have sewn since I was about 4 yrs old.
Did all my own garments but in retirement I make quilts for Murraylands Healing Quilts, I started the group over 15 ago and we have made close to 1000 quilts for people that have lost everything in disasters.
I love sewing them usually by machine and we have a couple of ladies that do the simple quilting.
We scrounge fabrics from everywhere and even dye our own ,we occasionally raffle a quilt locally to raise money for fabric and the works well
I sew at least 2 hours a day when I am not busy with the animals.
I do not bother with fashion sewing just enjoy making quilts. I also digitise embroideries for embroidery machines, but my stitch out machine died and it is too dear to fix or replace, so I now just do applique or patchwork.
That is my story, thank you for reading it .
Hi Shelley
I brought my sewing machine from you and bobbins.
This is my 2nd Quilt that I have made. I am very happy with my finished quilt. I on my 4th quilt and have made curtains and table runners too.
- Michel
Hi Shelley,
Why & what do I sew?
Well, I sew to save lives…
I make cat beds & cat toys & all profits go to animal rescues here in Perth.
I also donate a lot of my items for free for the rescues themselves to auction off & gain more funds that way.
My family vet clinic allow me (when I have the stock) to sell toys there too & the sale of these go directly to the animal rescues vet bills.
I also sew because I’m medically retired. I have many health issues & for many years I couldn’t even make it out of bed.
These days, I try & sew at least once a day, or do prep work. It helps keep me sane, gives me focus & a reason to smile.
Everything I do is self funded – well, hubby funded haha! I try & make a little bit to cover costs, but every fundraiser ends up costing me way more than I make, but thats ok
Here’s my page on Facebook, in case you’d like to have a look Smile
Have a great day,
I sew because my mother taught me to make my own clothes.
I am so glad she did because nothing of the rack fits as I am short, and I decided altering is not an option, the waist or pockets were always in the wrong place.
Now I enjoy sewing both for myself my grandchildren and I am hooked on quilting, and teaching others to sew, sew quilts patchwork or clothing.
I love to see people creating things out of material.
- Heather
I sew because I have 3 and a half year old additional needs twins. I would be likely insane if i didn’t sew
Therefore, I sew ‘for fun’
Since starting, I’ve decided to gradually swap our wardrobes across to ‘all mummy made’
Just for fun and because I’d love to always sew for them!
Kind Regards
I enjoy sewing lots of things really.
This is a photo of a couple of things I made for a friend for her baby shower, also some wedding presents.
- Deborah
I have always liked puzzles and so quilting fits right in with that! Everyday you learn something new. I quilt for fun!
- Gladys
Hi Shelly,
I sew because the quality and fit is better and my clothes are then individual.
I have found over many years of sewing my style is usually a little ahead of what’s on offer in the shops which suits me fine. I have been making my own clothes since 1968.
My biggest problem is not enough time to fit all the sewing I want to do into my busy schedule – even now when I’m retired -still not enough time.
I also knit which I love and find very relaxing.
Hi Shelley!
I sew because no other member of my immediate family did, so out of necessity I began.
Yours truly,
Chris T-J
If you’re in the mood to share…
Simply send me an Email and tell me your story of why & what YOU sew